
Mike Patton's Photo Gallery

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Gallery Description
Thumbnails by date
Text listing by year

Retro Computing



/Main page\/Home Page\/About me\/About the site\/MakerSpace\/References\/Library\/Photos\/Retro Computing\/Vermont\/Mail\/Games\
/Gallery Description\/Thumbnails by date\/Text listing by year\

Welcome to my Photo Gallery

The pages linked to from here contain a selection of photographs that I've taken. This introductory page contains an explanation of how it's organized and allows you to get to any of the parts of the gallery.

At this point I'm just getting started, so the only section you can access is the complete chronological lists. Eventually I hope to have some groupings by topic. subject and location.

Every picture in the gallery is available in four sizes. . From largest to smallest these are:

  • Full Size These are the original full size images. Since, at this time, these are all photos taken at full resolution with my 3MegaPixel camera, they are 2048x1536 (or 1536x2048 if taken vertically rather than horizontally). These images are only available from the individual photo page. This is because on even the fastest dial-ups, these would take several minutes to down load (they average over 700K bytes each) and the next smaller size is adequate for most viewers.
  • Page Size This is about 1/3 of the full size, large enough to fill the top of a browser window in most browser setups, if you have a small browser window they will probably overflow. These are used on the individual photo pages and should be enough for most viewing.
  • Large Thumbnails Used on pages that only have a small number of thumbnails (e.g. a single date) these are usually big enough (usually about 200x150) to get an idea of what the picture shows.
  • Small Thumbnails Used on pages with lots of thumbnails in multiple sections. The idea here is not to tell what individual photos are about, but to get ideas on section themes, etc. The small size (about 70x50) often doesn't allow for much detail, but you can (usually) distinguish (for example) pictures of distant landscapes from closeups of my cat.

Whenever thumbnails appear, clicking on them goes to the individual photo page. On pages with a list of sub-groupings, you can almost always click on a heading to get an expanded view of just that section.

Chronological listings

There are two chronological listings available. I recommend the complete text summary by year and date which is long, but only text, so it loads relatively fast. From there you can get pages of thumbnails for a whole year (small thumbnails) or a single date (larger thumbnails). There is a note of the number of photos on each day, and (usually) a short description.

The other one is a more complete list, that includes thumbnails for every photo. These thumbnails are sometimes too small to figure out what the actual photo is, but by clicking on a date or a thumbnail you can see more detailed pictures. Since this page has a lot of thumbnails, it may take a long time to load.

Clicking on a date (in either listing) will show a page with just the pictures on that date, but with large thumbnails so that you may be able to actually figure out what the pictures show.

Clicking on a thumbnail image will load the individual image page.

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Page generated 2025-03-09 at 15:07 GMT
Copyright © MMXXV Michael A. Patton

And finally, a random note:
There are three kinds of people. Those who can count, and those who can't.